
Anxiety Treatment Center in California

Treatment helps many people with anxiety better control their symptoms. Psychotherapy, medication, exercise, a support system, and other management strategies may be able to help you. If your condition becomes too difficult to manage on your own, the anxiety specialists at SoCal Sunrise Anxiety Treatment Center in California are here to help. Give us a call to learn more about our Anxiety Treatment Center in Orange County, California.

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What Is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorder is characterized by an excessive display of anxiety or worry that will last up to at least 6 months.  These worries can include anything from personal health and social interactions to school and work.

It should be understood that even moderate feelings of anxiety are expected to occur at times as just a normal part of ordinary life. Many individuals may experience anxious feelings when:

  • Challenging tasks arise at work
  • The pressure to get good grades or right before a test
  • Right before having to make difficult decisions
  • Marriage and other relationships becoming complicated
  • Feeling overwhelmed with the number of responsibilities
  • The pressure to get good grades or right before a test
  • Loss of a job and experiencing financial difficulties

Although there are several ways that cause people to experience anxiety symptoms, there has to be much more than short-term fear or worry to diagnose an anxiety disorder.

The signs and symptoms of anxiety do not go away from time to time. They also possess capabilities of growing to be worse and more challenging to live with if left untreated. These unpleasant symptoms often interfere with the individual’s daily activities, including relationships, school, and career performance.

When dealing with these serious mental illnesses, it is crucial that the appropriate treatments are identified and properly implemented.

Do I Have Anxiety?

The first objective, according to medical professionals, is to eliminate any symptoms that are possible to be produced by any current non-psychiatric medical condition.

Too little or excessive calcium levels, heart complications, low blood sugar, or endocrine issues are the most commonly seen health problems. These health problems are seen to contribute to the development of particular anxiety symptoms.

A simple doctor’s appointment or reaching out to the medical professionals at SoCal California Sunrise Recovery Mental Health in California can help establish a time to receive an evaluation.

This assessment can be done by your doctor or health care provider to take a look at your mental health. Ultimately, it will uncover the root causes of the anxiety-driven feelings and emotions. This strategy is often the best and most efficient way of determining where and how the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder are being produced.

Of course, when no other medical conditions are seen as the leading cause, the culprit is easier to recognize and address to get the right forms of treatment. Mental health disorders typically camouflage many of the side effects in ways that seem to be disproportionate to the life scenarios you are currently facing. At this time, it becomes a reasonable assumption that an anxiety disorder diagnosis is imminent.

Signs & Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

When an individual appears to be struggling with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), they are typically displaying excessive amounts of fear, worry, or other anxiety-causing emotions. These physical or verbal signs of anxious behavior can be seen nearly every day for up to six months.

Specific triggers that kickstart these behaviors commonly occur when the individual is thrown into awkward social situations, and complications to the state of their physical or mental health. The constant worrying and unease can cause many unnecessary problems in ordinary and routine life events.

A few of the more frequently seen symptoms produced by the presence of generalized anxiety disorder are:

  • Easily and regularly fatigued
  • Heightened irritability
  • Quickly becoming agitated
  • Having a hard time managing feelings of fear and worry
  • Frequently “zoning out” and experience difficulty concentrating
  • Usually feeling restless or on-edge
  • Muscle tension

Signs & Symptoms of Panic Disorder

When someone receives the diagnosis of having panic disorder, it generally means that they have re-occurring panic attacks that usually appear suddenly and without warning. Industry professionals describe panic attacks as rapidly escalated periods of fear that come on quickly can reach their peak intensity within just a couple of minutes. When an individual suffering from panic disorder experiences an attack, it sometimes can be brought on by a specific trigger. Common side-effects that you see with panic disorder patients include:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Often trembling or having shaky hands
  • Instances of quickly increased heart rate
  • Feelings of being completely out of control
  • Shortness of breath, sometimes feeling like you are choking

How Can I Treat My Anxiety?

There are plenty of different ways to approach an anxiety disorder. Typically, a combination of treatments is most effective, though some treatments may not be for everyone.

It’s important to talk to a doctor about your symptoms so that a plan can be best made for you. As plans are implemented, they are bound to adapt to your improvement or potential medication side effects. Our anxiety specialists and psychologists will be able to help you through every step here.

Possible treatment options may include any of the following:

Prescription Medications including Anxiolytics, Antidepressants, Anticonvulsants, Noradrenergic Agents, or Antipsychotics
psychotherapy session

Psychotherapy Sessions (talk therapy) including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy variants such as DBT, Exposure Therapy, Group Therapy, or even Hypnosis.

Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

Lifestyle Changings such as a healthy diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, sobriety, etc.

Call Our Anxiety Treatment Center In California

If you or a loved one is suffering from an anxiety disorder get help today. There are effective options available to you at SoCal Sunrise Recovery’s Mental Health Center. We are here to provide anxiety treatment in California.

Call today and the skilled therapists and psychologists at our Anxiety Treatment Center in Orange County can get started on a comprehensive plan designed just for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Feeling nervous, restless, tense, or sweating. Other symptoms can include; having an increased heart rate, breathing rapidly, or being in a sense of danger or panic.

A big event or a build-up of smaller stressful ones. These events can include things like the death of a loved one, work stress, or worrying about your finances.

The short answer is yes. The reason for this is because we all experience anxiety at some point in our life and it is just the brain’s way of preparing up to face or escape danger.

There is no one cure for anxiety but it can be managed. Receiving the right treatment for your anxiety will help you dial back your worries, nervousness, or tension.

Clinically Reviewed By:

Joe Cavins, LMFT

Joseph Cavins holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Services from Cal State Fullerton and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology. Initially inspired during his tenure as a school bus driver, Joseph balanced his duties with his studies, demonstrating a strong commitment to his academic pursuits. Post-graduation, he gained significant experience in clinical settings, interning at Aspen Community Services where he later served for 10 years, eventually becoming a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He also earned certification from the Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Association as a Mental Health Provider.

Joseph’s professional journey includes roles in private practice and contracting with the Santa Ana Unified School District’s Special Education Department, culminating in his recent position at Southern California Sunrise Recovery in 2024.