Looking for Depression Treatment in Los Angeles, CA?

Depression Treatment in Los Angeles

It is estimated that over 264 million people have been affected by symptoms of depression. 

It’s more than persistently “feeling blue.” 

Depression is a mood disorder. Though it is experienced in different ways, it can profoundly affect your emotional state, physical health, and quality of life.

With early detection and intervention, it is possible to prevent relapse, reduce depression’s emotional burden, and go on to lead a happy life. 

If you are looking for depression treatment in Los Angeles, you might consider a more intimate and quieter setting in Southern California. 

Please keep reading to learn more about depression treatment and its many benefits.  

Are You Depressed? 

Depression can cause a variety of symptoms. The symptoms can affect your mood or your physical body. Some people experience ongoing symptoms, while others have symptoms that come and go in waves. 

Here are some of the symptoms that you may experience if you have depression: 

  • Changes in mood such as anger, irritability, anxiousness
  • Profound feelings of emptiness, sadness, or hopelessness
  • Loss of interest in pleasurable activities 
  • Thoughts of suicide and other dark thoughts 
  • High-risk behavior such as drinking and using drugs 
  • Feeling fatigued or lack energy 
  • Delayed cognitive function 
  • Lack of sexual desire and inability to perform 
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping 
  • Changes in appetite and weight 

These symptoms will vary in severity, and many people experience a multitude of symptoms at one time. Men and women can also experience these symptoms differently. Depression treatment in Los Angeles can help you manage these symptoms.

Types of Depression Treatment 

Treatment types for depression will also vary depending on the individual. People generally try a variety of treatments before finding one that works for them.

It is also not uncommon to combine treatments to provide greater support for the depressed individual. Depression treatment in Los Angeles offers a variety of different options for you.


Also known as “talk therapy,” psychotherapy aims to help you understand and address areas of your life affected by depression. A psychotherapist can help you talk through aspects of your depression. These are behavioral, social, and psychological aspects.

One of the most common forms of psychotherapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This helps you identify and change your patterns of distorted thinking. It also helps improve your emotional responses and your behavior. 

CBT uses a range of techniques. With talk therapy and self-help practices, you identify harmful thoughts and behaviors. You then reframe them into positive thoughts and healthy behaviors. 

Interpersonal therapy helps you get to the root of your depression. Understanding the underlying issues, creating healthier ways to express emotions, and improving communication are all part of interpersonal therapy. 

Here are some of the goals of CBT and interpersonal therapy: 

  • Identifying negative and distorted beliefs and behaviors 
  • Creating accurate thoughts and more functional behaviors 
  • Distinguishing problems that contribute to depression
  • Changing behaviors that worsen depression 
  • Examine relationships and interactions with other people 
  • Create healthy ways to deal with stress 
  • Develop a sense of satisfaction with life 
  • Create realistic life goals 

These are some of the intended goals of psychotherapy. This can be done in a private session or a group. 

Changes in Lifestyle

For those with milder forms of depression, certain lifestyle changes can help. Many who suffer from depression require medication, or professional help, or both. 

These are some coping mechanisms that can be paired with additional treatment:

  • Exercise to enhance mood and brain function 
  • Physical activities to release endorphins 
  • Hobbies or creative tasks to help express emotions 
  • Yoga, mindfulness exercises, or meditation to release negativity 
  • Support groups for others suffering from depression 

These can be used in conjunction with medication and psychotherapy. It is best to speak with your health care practitioner to create a strategy that works best.

Antidepressant Medications

For some, lifestyle changes and talk therapy aren’t sufficient. In those cases, major depressive disorder treatments will require medication. 

Antidepressants help to moderate the chemicals in the brain that regulate your mood. These are serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine – the key neurotransmitters that affect our emotional state. 

There are a variety of medications available for depression. Depending on the effects that they have on the brain, each of these drug types has its own class: 

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), most commonly known as Prozac 
  • Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), commonly sold as Cymbalta
  • Atypical antidepressants, such as Wellbutrin 

SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. They are less likely to produce side effects. However, antidepressants can also worsen your mental health. You must consult a doctor and a therapist before taking any of these medications. 

You must receive an accurate diagnosis to manage your depression using medication safely. It can take weeks or months for the medication to work, and like with all medication; there are possible risks involved. 

Depression Treatment Centers 

If you are suffering from major depression, you may want to consider a depression treatment center. There are a few key benefits of this mental health treatment option. 

Treatment centers usually involve the family. This helps to understand and identify the needs of the loved one suffering from depression. 

They also play a role in socialization. Given the isolating nature of depression, joining a center allows the individual to be around other people. Particularly those experiencing the same issues. 

Additionally, centers often work with each patient to plan for their transition. It can be difficult and overwhelming when it’s time to leave the facility, and there are strategies in place to make the transition smoother. 

Centers for Depression Treatment in Los Angeles 

If you are in the Los Angeles area and looking for depression treatment, there are options for you. Though Los Angeles has so much to offer, you might consider treatment in a less distracting and more relaxing setting. 

In Orange County, set on the backdrop of the gorgeous pacific coast, you can find a treatment experience that caters to your needs. 

Here, you can benefit from the experience of the team at Southern California Sunrise Mental Health. Their services help create personalized treatment plans. They also combine therapies that suit your needs. 

Giving Yourself a Fighting Chance With Depression Treatment in Los Angeles

Fighting depression is not easy. Though there are various treatment options, from psychotherapy to medication, a center for depression treatment in Los Angeles might be right for you. Dealing with depression is difficult and getting help and support is vital to long-lasting changes towards happiness.

If you or someone you love is suffering from depression, don’t hesitate to contact us to make an appointment today!

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