What Are the Different Types of Schizophrenia?


Typically when you think of schizophrenia, you think of it as a single mental health disease. But, what if we told you there were several types of schizophrenia? Would you be able to wrap your mind around that?

Well, below, we’re going to answer some of your burning questions like how many types of schizophrenia are there? And much more, you’re not going to want to miss hearing these voices. Continue reading on now for everything you need to know about each type of schizophrenia.

Catatonic Schizophrenia

The first type of schizophrenia we’re going to discuss is known as catatonic schizophrenia. It’s one of the rarer forms of the disease and involves a physical component and the usual mental component.

It’s not uncommon for someone to suffer from catatonic issues with mixed symptoms of schizophrenia. Someone that has issues with catatonic schizophrenia as a whole might find themselves making very rigid movements. Or staying in the same position for hours without much change.

Residual Schizophrenia

This is when someone has a post where they’ve suffered from at least one schizophrenic episode. But, over time, the glaring symptoms of schizophrenia have faded.

Someone with residual schizophrenia will show minimal issues. The only clues that they may still have issues with their schizophrenic disorder are that they’re unable to focus. And at times appear emotionally withdrawn from those around them.

They might even develop insomnia.

Disorganized Schizophrenia

When you think of the word disorganized, it’s a word that you think could describe everyone that suffers from schizophrenic disorder, but this is not the case. Someone with disorganized schizophrenia has this title because both their speech and behavior aren’t organized.

This disorganization could cause them to have issues, especially when reacting to situations appropriately.

Paranoid Schizophrenia

When you watch movies or television shows and schizophrenia is depicted it’s dramatized. Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common one that you will see and hear about. People that suffer from this type of schizophrenia can experience symptoms anywhere on a mild to severe scale.

Some people with paranoid schizophrenia are high functioning. They have minimal delusions or hallucinations. While others find the voices they hear and things they see to be so overwhelming and crippling that they ant even leave their homes regularly.

Undifferentiated Schizophrenia

If someone has symptoms of schizophrenia but doesn’t have enough to fit in a specific category, they will be confirmed as undifferentiated. Someone with this type of schizophrenia might find themselves having to deal with a combination of therapies and treatments. This is because their disorder is a mixture of all the types we detailed above.

With a better understanding of the different types of schizophrenia, we’re going to dive deeper into the treatments that are offered today.

Treatment Used for Schizophrenia

Unlike a health issue like a broken leg where you receive treatment, your leg heals, and you move on. Schizophrenia needs to be treated throughout someone’s life.

Once a person has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and seeks treatment, their doctors will work with them to create a plan. This plan will help them manage their symptoms.

Each patient is different. Therefore, their plan might be one thing or a combination of treatments. These treatments help them get a better handle on their schizophrenia disorder.


There are various therapies that someone suffering from schizophrenic disorder might attend to help them manage their symptoms. In social skills training, they will learn ways to improve their channels of communication.

As well as learn better ways to explain what their feeling and going through at that time. Learning social skills makes it easier for them to participate in daily activities.

Patients might also find themselves in family therapy because support is essential with any type of health issue. The therapy can help both the person with the disorder and family members. It can help them understand each other better and improve how they communicate with each other.


This is probably one of the oldest methods that’s used when it comes to the treatments that someone with schizophrenia might endure. It’s typically only used when other medications that have been prescribed don’t work or no longer do their job.


There are many antipsychotics that someone might be prescribed to help them deal with their hallucinations and delusions. The first time someone takes an antipsychotic, they might have adverse side effects to the medication.

It might take a few tries before finding the right combination of medications. But doctors want to ensure that the medication is positively affecting their patients, not negatively.


In the most severe cases where someone with schizophrenia is a danger to themselves and others around them, they might be hospitalized. They might also be hospitalized if they’ve had a psychotic break. And need medical help to reach a space where they’re getting the proper treatment and care to improve their current condition.

What Are the Types of Schizophrenia?

There are many types of schizophrenia and even one type that can’t be named because it’s a mixture of various forms of schizophrenia. Depending on the type of schizophrenia a person has, their symptoms might be mild or severe.

And because of this, the treatment that they are placed under will be different as well. If you’re looking for a place to help you or a loved one deal with your mental health, contact Southern California Sunrise.

We’ve got a massive amount of program options that are sure to help you take the steps you need to get back to the life you want. And begin living each day in a healthier way.

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