PTSD Symptoms in Men


Everyone is capable of experiencing PTSD and millions of people are currently dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, some symptoms tend to be more prevalent in men, and some treatments might also work better for them.

Unfortunately, when a man experiences a traumatic event, they are misdiagnosed or taught to deal with it independently. As long as men don’t get diagnosed with PTSD, it will be difficult to seek treatment.

At SoCal Sunrise Mental Health, we are committed to helping individuals who deal with PTSD.  Patients can choose from a variety of treatment options, which can be tailored to their specific needs. 

Continue reading to learn more about PTSD symptoms in men. 

What Is PTSD?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) results from long-term, severe mental health disruption caused by an event involving trauma. These events can include a serious accident, natural disaster war/combat, or rape. 

When an individual faces a life-threatening situation, it’s normal for the body to respond the way it does.  At that moment, our fight or flight kicks in, and we are on high alert.  

Those with post-traumatic stress disorder experience intense, distressing thoughts and feelings related to the traumatic experience long after it has happened. They could relive the event in flashbacks or nightmares, they could be sad, afraid or angry, and they could be detached from others. 

Oftentimes people living with PTSD will avoid certain situations or triggers that might remind them of the traumatic event. These triggers, like a loud noise or accidental touch, will spark an adverse reaction.  

PTSD Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of PTSD fall into four different categories. These categories include intrusion, avoidance, alternation in cognition and mood, and lastly, alteration in around and reactivity. 


A traumatic event may resurface in the form of repeated, uncontrollable memories or distressing dreams. People may experience flashbacks that are so vivid they feel they are reliving the trauma.


Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event may involve avoiding people, places, activities, objects, and situations that may trigger distressing memories. Traumatic events may cause people to avoid recalling or thinking about them. They also might avoid talking about the event or how it made them feel.

Alterations in Cognition and Mood

Unable to recall elements of a traumatic event, negative thoughts, and feelings.  The inability to recall events causes the individual to create distorted beliefs about oneself, such as, “I am bad” or “I can’t trust anyone.”  

This also leads to symptoms such as ongoing fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame. Individuals will also lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and feel detached from loved ones.  

Alteration in Arousal and Reactivity

This type of PTSD affects an individual’s arousal.  Symptoms can include being irritable and angry or behaving recklessly or in a self-destructive manner.  Being suspiciously aware of one’s surroundings; being easily startled, unable to concentrate, or having trouble sleeping.

What Are PTSD Symptoms in Men?

Anyone is capable of being diagnosed with PTSD.  However, the likelihood of men participating in combat or holding high-risk employment positions is higher. 

There are also more chances for women to endure sexual abuse (although men may also experience it) but all of these experiences can cause PTSD.

It is not uncommon for men not to receive treatment immediately after undergoing trauma. However, it is common for men not to realize they have PTSD. 

More times than not, men attempt to internalize the problem and try to face it independently. Once men understand that their symptoms are coming from a place of trauma caused by an external event, they get help. 

The symptoms may include:

  • Feeling extraordinarily lonely or isolated
  • Having intense emotions and being unable to regulate them
  • Being hyper-vigilant
  • Experiencing flashbacks
  • Dissociating
  • Constantly bracing for further potential trauma
  • Feeling helpless or ashamed

The first step in recognizing a problem is difficult enough. Traumatized individuals may avoid situations or activities reminiscent of the traumatic event. The use of alcohol and drugs by men is more prevalent and can lead to substance use disorders.  

The desire to be perfect can also make men hesitant to seek treatment. They may feel as though they are admitting their faults if they admit to having PTSD. 

At SoCal Sunrise, we provide a safe and welcoming environment to get help. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of PTSD, please reach out to our team of caring and compassionate mental health professionals.

What Kind of Treatment Works for PTSD?

At Southern California Sunrise Mental Health, we understand no two persons’ traumatic experiences are the same. We know that people come from different backgrounds to begin with and that what they’re going through should be treated individually. 

Often, men will benefit from professional treatment in the form of trauma therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

This type of treatment aims to help men recognize that their actions are influenced by the way they think and feel. Moreover, it enables men to find out if their thoughts and emotions are logical. 

Other forms of treatment like exposure therapy help people deal with overcoming fears and anxieties.  Group therapy can provide peer supports by allowing the individuals to talk with others about similar experiences. 

Other treatments that may support men in their recovery may include:

Our goal is to help the men we treat manage their PTSD. If you’re struggling with this mental health condition, SoCal Sunrise can help. 

Get Treatment at SoCal Sunrise Mental Health

While it can be difficult to deal with PTSD symptoms in men, our mental health facility has years of experience treating trauma-based disorders. 

As one of California’s best PTSD treatment centers, clients have the opportunity to overcome their PTSD and not let it control their lives. Individuals will learn how to cope with symptoms of PTSD and create a happier and healthier life regardless of their traumatic experiences.  

By treating PTSD symptoms in men, SoCal Sunrise can help you achieve a better lifestyle. 

If you or a loved one is struggling from PTSD or have experienced a traumatic event, do not hesitate to get help.  Learn more about our mental health programs by calling us today at (949) 284-7325.

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