Looking for a San Jose Rehab?

San Jose Rehab

Did you know that around 8% of Californians were classified as having a substance use disorder? What’s worse, only 10% of those people actually got any treatment for their substance abuse.

Living with an addiction is hard by itself. That’s without even considering the opportunities in life you’ll miss while struggling with an addiction.

What’s worse, struggling with addiction alone can leave someone feeling unloved and unwelcomed. At SoCal Sunrise Recovery Center, we don’t want to leave you in these conditions. That’s why we offer a trip to Southern California when a San Jose Rehab option isn’t right for you.

About Drug Abuse

About one in five American adults struggle with some sort of mental illness, whether it be anxiety, depression, trauma, or something else. That’s a good chunk of the population. While some people might seek to avoid their stress, others seek to annihilate the feelings of it with drugs.

This is an action that is totally understandable (though not to be confused with commendable). With how fast-paced society wants us to live, trying to slow down and ease our minds of stress and anxiety is definitely a difficult task. So as a result, people may try to use drugs to ease their minds.

One of the most common thought patterns that people fall victim to is the mentality of “I can stop when I want.” With all the willpower one might have, some of these drugs are incredibly addicting. The most addicting of these drugs being cocaine, heroin, nicotine, and methamphetamine.

Drug addiction is considered to be a disease that results in an inability to control one’s use of drugs. The cycle of drug abuse stems from this inability.

As one takes a drug, their brain receives ‘good’ and ‘happy’ signals which in the end asks for more. The brain then continues craving these good signals, which down the line disrupts a person’s ability to process information while off of drugs.

Additional symptoms of drug abuse include:

  • Greater risk of HIV contraction if needles are used
  • Withdrawal, including getting physically ill from avoidance of drug use
  • Inability to control one’s actions or behavior
  • Loss of motivation and focus
  • Prioritizing drugs overwork and social life

And even worse, death. In reality, drug abuse holds the highest place for death tolls on Americans in the category of controllable health conditions.

The Opioid Epidemic in San Jose, CA

San Jose, once the capital of California, is one of the state’s most beautiful and prized cities. But behind all the beauty, nice weather and the captivating sights, is a crippling opioid epidemic affecting the entire city.

Santa Clara county, home to San Jose,  reported in 2016, 6.5 drug-related deaths per 100,000 people. Which is a 50% increase from the previous year. Opioid overdoses have increased more than 100 percent in San Jose over the last several years.

Specifically in April 2015, 11 fentanyl-related deaths occurred. Investigators have concluded that local street drug dealers have begun mixing fentanyl into the pills and other substances they sell. These pills and other things may be sold to look like they were normal prescription opioids.

While opioids are certainly an issue in San Jose and the surrounding cities. Drugs such as meth have started to grow while the spotlight is elsewhere. A report in 2017 found that people dependent on substances stated it was much easier to find meth on the streets than reliable opioids or an opioid dealer.

For those who want out of this vicious drug cycle, finding a good San Jose rehab can prove to be a very difficult task. However, we want you to know that help is always available down south in Orange County.

Rehab: There’s A Light at the End of the Tunnel

With any type of mental illness, there’s always a solution. And for drug abuse, that solution is rehab. 

Going to rehab might have a slightly negative connotation because of its association with, well, drug abuse. But rehab is the best solution for drug abuse as it helps the individual cope with their withdrawal symptoms while also being involved in a community of qualified professionals.

But in order to receive the best treatment for drug addiction, it is extremely important to find the right rehabilitation center to fit your needs. That means finding a rehab center that can treat you for your addiction without discriminating against you for your gender, age, sexuality, race, or social status. You’ll also want to find a rehab center that has good reviews and is professional. 

You’ll also want to be able to find a drug rehabilitation center that is patient-focused and can do more than just treat drug addiction. You need a rehab center that’s full of compassion and the ability to supply you with opportunities for life outside of drugs. At SoCal Sunrise, we are a dual diagnosis treatment center that provides addiction services for all kinds of drugs.

Our rehab program is designed for each patient and is specific to every individual. We offer drug and alcohol detox programs and both inpatient and outpatient treatment services. We also offer extensive programs that continue after inpatient treatment and offer holistic therapy as well. 

Our location is in Orange County, CA, so you’ll get the chance to recover from addiction away from the stress you might have associated with San Jose. You’ll be exposed to the majesty that is Orange County near the beach. Afterwards, you can return to San Jose and experience it with fresh, recovered eyes.

Choosing Your San Jose Rehab Facility

Need to write a new chapter in your life without drugs? Then we’re the ones to contact. We’re here to support you in your rehab journey and will do so with open arms.

Our trained team of therapists is not only professional but highly empathetic. We know the pain of struggling with an addiction, and we don’t want to leave you without the best rehab option.

So if you’re ready to start your rehab journey and experience all there is in beautiful Orange County, contact SoCal Sunrise today.

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