How Do You Know if You Have OCD?

How Do You Know If You Have OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the most stigmatized conditions. The usual discourse surrounding OCD typically conveys a person who is a “neat freak” or is easily thrown off by the prospect of something being germy or contaminated. Although these elements can be signifiers of the condition, OCD is a far more complex and nuanced disorder. 

Understanding OCD

It is never a good idea to practice “self-diagnosing.” It is also essential to realize the intricate nature of OCD. OCD is a heritable and genetic disorder that can consist of an array of different symptoms. 

People with OCD may often find that the condition impacts their ability to lead healthy social lives and maintain healthy relationships. OCD far supersedes the need to be “germ-free” or have clean surfaces; it is a compulsion that requires a specific treatment plan and execution.

Common Obsessions Amongst Individuals With OCD 

Individuals with OCD operate ritualistically; they tend to be very particular and meticulous about seemingly simple or frivolous aspects. This behavior is often the result of an attempt to reduce fear or anxiety. It is, however, counterproductive, as the behavior ultimately breeds more worry and anxiety. Key signs that could indicate underlying OCD include: 

  • Fear of hurting others
  • Fear of contaminating one’s self or others
  • Fear of making one’s self or others sick
  • Irrational thoughts stemming from fear and anxiety

Some examples of compulsions include:

  • Continually checking locks for safety
  • Ongoing inspection for cleanliness
  • Repetition, especially with counting or speaking

OCD manifests differently amongst different clients. Although, the most common presentation of the condition would be compulsories surrounding order, symmetry, and checking. OCD patients often display a lack of rationale concerning their interactions with others; they are often riddled with fear regarding perception and how it may impact those around them. 

Navigating Diagnosis 

Although the specificities mentioned above are consistent with OCD, it is still far too complex and intricate of a condition for the individual to self-diagnose. Recognizing abnormality in behavior is brave and diligent; seeking help for this can be even more heroic. However, it may be tempting to research and speculate through different available information online, but this may ultimately be to one’s detriment, as there is still a great deal of misinformation regarding OCD online.

Here are some things for one to consider if they believe they have OCD:

  • Try not to ingest content that tends to vilify or stigmatize individuals with OCD 
  • OCD is an actual condition, not speculation for the curiosity of others
  • Steer clear of inaccurate content online
  • When researching OCD, look for peer-reviewed and legitimate sources 
  • Reach out to a mental health professional or behavioral specialist

A practitioner specializing in disorders such as OCD is arguably the best option for someone navigating compulsive behavior. Consuming an influx of content may overwhelm an individual or breed false internalization. A professional can direct one to the correct diagnosis for their behavior and offer treatment. Contacting a facility that services mental health is the most appropriate decision for one to make if they are uncertain.

Fear and Anxiety

Ultimately, fear and anxiety are the driving forces behind OCD. However, this does not have to control a person’s life. There are active steps that one can take to combat the condition.

Although OCD is not curable, it is, in fact, manageable, and individuals can lead fulfilling lives with a proper treatment plan as well as medication. In addition, different forms of therapy are tailored to fit the needs of people who struggle with OCD, as well as other behavioral issues. 

Educate Yourself About OCD

The good news is that although there is a great deal of misinformation surrounding the disorder, there is also a great deal of research designed to inform individuals with OCD and their loved ones about navigating it. When it comes to mental and behavioral health, it can sometimes seem like one’s entire life must revolve around their condition. Although this may seem overwhelming, disorders like OCD do not have to monopolize one’s life or functionality. Individuals need to be cautious and follow treatment. 

Engaging with practitioners devoted to wellness can help an individual feel less alone in navigating their emotions. Do understand that looking into actions and trying to attain a journey to recovery is one of the braver things one can do in this life. Understanding OCD and the reasons behind the behavior will ultimately strengthen the person and their mental health. Taking action to seek understanding and help is the best option for those struggling to manage their OCD symptoms. 

If you suspect you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, seeking help, guidance, and treatment can make all the difference in your life. At Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center, you will work with professionals motivated to help you identify and manage symptoms related to OCD. We will also incorporate family members into your treatment plan to help educate them about OCD.

 Our professional guidance will equip you with the tools necessary to do introspective work. This work will help you to understand yourself and your behavior better. It will also hold you accountable for how you can contribute to your quality of life. Our goal is to help you confront your fears and apprehensions and get to the root of your behavior. If you currently need help, get help today. To learn more about our facilities and programs, contact us today by calling (949) 284-7325.

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