Finding Hope After Misdiagnosis

Finding Hope After Misdiagnosis

For your health, receiving proper treatment can make all the difference in your quality of life. Working with a professional can help you feel less alone. 

What happens if you experience a misdiagnosis? Coping with a misdiagnosis can leave a person feeling lost, confused, and helpless. Remember that you are not alone if you find yourself in this predicament.

Misdiagnosis Is More Common Than You Think

When dealing with a misdiagnosis, remember that diagnosis is not a monolith. Instead, it is a practice—sometimes one that leaves room for error on the part of the clinician who administered your initial diagnosis. 

It is also essential to understand that there is nothing that you could have done to ensure that you received a more accurate diagnosis. Amid this frustrating predicament, take courage because this is not your fault. Misdiagnoses may be more common than you think. 

Some of the most novel mental health and substance use disorders are misdiagnosed regularly. For instance, bipolar depression is a common misdiagnosis amongst clinicians and professionals. 

According to a study from The Journal of Clinical Psychology, many individuals go years without proper diagnosis or treatment due to this prevalent misconception. The reality of being misdiagnosed may breed many different emotions. When confronting misdiagnosis, it is common to feel:

  • Confusion
  • Resentment
  • Mistrust
  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness 

The onset of these emotions is a valid and legitimate response to such disappointing news. However, be encouraged. The proper diagnoses, treatment, and care are available.

Wellness Is a Journey

You can expect your wellness to be a journey of trial and error. When working with practitioners, you will find which approaches work for you and which do not. Since misdiagnoses may mean trying new approaches, you must remain open-minded about your caregiver’s suggestions. Put your best foot forward when confronting your needs. 

Diagnoses can be unsettling, a misdiagnosis even more so. However, your perseverance on your journey will lead you to the appropriate treatment, plan, and routine that can improve your mental health and overall quality of life.

You Have a Voice, and It Matters 

Receiving a new diagnosis can be intimidating and challenging to readjust to the new strategies of those administering your care. Although the initial stages of coping with this reality may be uncomfortable, please remember that you have a voice, and it matters. 

If you find any implements of your care unsettling, you do not have to grin and bare them. You can vocalize what does and does not sit well with you. Your practitioner should work with you at a pace you are comfortable with. Try and be honest with yourself about what you are feeling. 

Try not to be afraid to confront your emotions with your caregiver. You are allowed to advocate for yourself in a clinical setting. A study by Frontiers In Psychology suggests that clients often find it challenging to open up in therapy sessions. All your worries, apprehensions, and concerns are valid.

You Need to Find the Treatment Center That Is Right for You 

During this journey, it is important to be mindful of your unique and intricate needs. You are an individual with specific needs, desires, and a history that informs how you navigate the world today. It is not a far stretch of the imagination that the place where you received your initial diagnosis may not be suitable. However, this is not an indicator of anything wrong with you.

It is perfectly normal to have speed bumps and mishaps on your journey. However, the proper treatment plan is imperative to your wellness. 

Some facilities are designed to meet your specific needs and desire nothing more than to contribute to the evolution of your wellness. It is perfectly natural to feel discouraged or inclined to quit, but allow the prospect of reaching your overall health and wellness goals to motivate you to persevere. Remember, you do not have to remain in a lonely place; there is hope and a future for you. 

The plight of proper diagnosis and treatment is an ongoing battle for many, but it does not have to be a losing one. Although things may seem out of your control, there are active steps that you can take toward the betterment of your health and wellness

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center prioritizes your needs and overall wellness. Our facility focuses on your healing and offers conventional and alternative methods to help you reach your goals. You do not have to do it alone, whether you are facing misdiagnosis, struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder, or in between care facilities. 

We are well aware that we as people are intersectional individuals with particular needs. Due to this, the traditional clinical setting may not always best suit you. We understand this and therefore cater to under-represented and marginalized people. The overall mission is to ensure that you come away with the appropriate treatment best suited to your needs.

 If you or a loved one needs help, don’t wait; act today. For more information about our programs, contact us today at (949) 284-7325.

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