Symptoms and Signs of Anxiety

Symptoms and Signs of Anxiety

Anxiety is a very common issue in contemporary society. Close to 32% of all adults have experienced some form of anxiety in their lifetime. In some cases, it can be very easy to identify whether or not you are experiencing anxiety and why you are experiencing it. 

In other cases, pinpointing the root cause of your anxious thoughts or feelings may be much more difficult. If this is the case, it may be helpful to work with a mental health professional who can help you pinpoint the cause of your anxiety. Effective ways to treat and manage anxiety exist and can be life-changing. 

There are many different forms of anxiety and reasons why it exists. If you suspect you may be dealing with anxiety, there are signs and symptoms to look for. 

These indicators can be both psychological and physiological. One can often inform the other. Although these signs do not exclusively indicate anxiety, identifying them may help determine whether or not there is a need to seek treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

Some of the signs of anxiety that you can look out for include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Waking up throughout the night
  • Difficulty eating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty maintaining positive thoughts

Anxiety may present differently in different people. When feelings of anxiety arise, it may be helpful to try to assess exactly what you are feeling, as well as why you may be feeling it. 

Do You Often Feel Anxious?

Some helpful questions to ask yourself if you find that you often feel anxious:

  • Are there any specific people who are triggering my anxious thoughts?
  • Are there any specific places that cause me to feel anxious?
  • In which scenarios do I feel the most anxious?
  • Do I avoid any aspects of my life that cause me to feel anxious?
  • Is my functionality compromised during episodes of high anxiety?
  • Am I still able to function while experiencing anxiety?
  • Do I feel ready to speak to a mental health professional concerning this issue?
  • Do I need to partake in drugs or alcohol when I feel anxious?
  • Do I feel the need to over-eat or under-eat when I feel anxious?
  • Am I losing sleep due to my anxious feelings?
  • Am I sleeping too much to avoid these feelings?
  • How often do I feel anxious?
  • Have my anxious feelings increased or decreased lately?

Irrespective of the cause, anxiety is simply not fun. It can cause you to feel weak and, in some cases, is debilitating. When dealing with moments of anxiety, it is important to be honest with yourself about what you are feeling as well as the potential root of those feelings. 

Seek Help for Anxiety

At Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center, your anxious thoughts and emotions are very important. Our mission is to ensure that your coping methods for issues such as anxiety are as healthy as possible. Anxiety can often trigger detrimental behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse. Although trying to figure things out alone may be tempting, it’s crucial to understand that the most difficult of scenarios only become more difficult with isolation.

Opening up about our vulnerable thoughts, feelings, and emotions is often difficult. However, if you feel your anxious thoughts have begun to monopolize your life, take over your mental health, and make it difficult to complete everyday tasks, it may be time to speak to a professional.

The stigma surrounding common mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, may make seeking help overwhelming. However, the common misconceptions about anxiety should not deter you from seeking help.  

A Light at the End of the Tunnel 

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center is committed to your needs and what is in your best interest. Both proactive and preventative methods are offered to assist you in your mental health journey. Because drug and alcohol misuse is often associated with an attempt to avoid anxiety, we are a dual-diagnosis center. 

Oftentimes, wellness is an aspect of your life that is neglected until you simply cannot neglect it any longer. In many cases, anxiety may be your body and mind trying to communicate to you what it is that you need.

Remember that there is a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

When seeking help for your anxious thoughts, you may find that you do not necessarily have a clinical issue, but simply need some lifestyle changes. On the other hand, you may come away with a diagnosis that provides you with the answers you were so desperately trying to uncover. 

In many ways, mental health is an avenue of self-discovery. Southern California Sunrise Recovery center is committed to helping you identify these needs on your journey to becoming your best self.  

At Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center, we understand that navigating through mental health disorders may be challenging, but it is never something that you have to confront alone. Resources, community, and treatment programs may help you feel less isolated. If you find yourself in a place of solitude, desperation, or overall poor mental health, there is assistance for you. 

Although it may be tempting to try to go it alone, anxiety – in its many forms – is an issue faced by many struggling to manage their mental health, and we can help you recover. The capability to live the life you envision is within you. You can be encouraged and affirmed while learning to trust yourself and others again.

Our facility offers a trained staff well-versed in mental health issues such as anxiety. Call us today at (949) 284-7325.

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