Can Cigna Insurance Pay For Drug & Alcohol Rehab?


Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center is wholeheartedly dedicated to helping those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction reach a state of sustainable recovery and sobriety. For this reason, we are honored to announce that we have recently begun accepting plans from the tremendous health insurance company, Cigna, for numerous levels of addiction treatment including drug and alcohol detox as well as residential stay in our Orange County, California facility.

Cigna has now rightfully recognized SoCal Sunrise Recovery Center as a distinguished and esteemed establishment worthy of coverage that is dedicated to providing the utmost quality of care to our clients. This decision is essential in order to provide more individuals to holistically improve their lives and overcome their addiction at our facility. For this reason, Cigna has decided to partner with us in providing our exceptional services to their members. Cigna’s decision to cover SoCal Sunrise’s rehabilitation services is a direct reflection of both our value and our character as a company. This also indicates that – yes – one of the largest insurance companies in the United States has identified our rehab services as remarkable in the pool of addiction treatment not only in Orange County, but also across the entire country.

About Cigna Insurance Rehab Coverage

When struggling with addiction to drugs, such as opioids, stimulants, benzodiazepines, alcohol, amongst many more, Cigna understands that finding the right treatment to aid in recovery can be a difficult and daunting task – but also one that is incredibly crucial to a sustainable journey of recovery. Cigna believes that the choice to recover and seek treatment is an important but challenging decision to make and that concerns of coverage should be the least of a member’s worries. In order to aid in the smoothest entrance to rehab, Cigna has acknowledged the importance of healthcare coverage for substance abuse facilities as well as Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center’s excellence in the arena of addiction treatment. Cigna understands that in the right hands, their member has a true chance at saving their own lives and finding a better, more sustainable way of life.

For over 200 years, Cigna has assisted their members in receiving the highest quality healthcare coverage. With community-based values and solid ethics, Cigna aims to ensure that its members get top-notch care- no matter the cost.

With over 95 million members worldwide, Cigna, like SoCal Sunrise, is driven by the desire to help their customers meet all of their health needs.

How to Verify your Insurance

The first step to recovering from your Drug or Alcohol addiction is to verify your insurance in order to understand what part of your treatment will be covered. Understanding what your particular insurance plan might cover can be an extremely confusing process, which is exactly why SoCal Sunrise is here to help. The complication of verifying insurance benefits is a task that we do not want you to take on alone. Our Drug & Alcohol admissions experts can verify your individual insurance benefits. They will be able to tell you exactly what your particular policy will cover as well as if there are any out of pocket costs to you, Often Cigna will cover our programs in full with no out-of-pocket costs to you. Call now for a free verification of your benefits!

The types of plans we accept include:

  • Cigna PPO (preferred provider organizations) plans
  • Cigna POS (Point-of-service) plans

No matter your type of plan with Cigna, Southern California Sunrise will verify your benefits and ensure you get the most out of your insurance policy in order to reach a place of recovery from addiction.  

As partners in the Mental Healthcare Industry,  Cigna and Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center are ready to work together to bring the chance at recovery to as many individuals as possible. Now that SoCal Sunrise is accepting most Cigna Plans, we are on the path to help even more individuals create and sustain a better quality of life.

Depending on your particular insurance plan, Cigna may cover treatment costs for:

What is Medically-Supervised Detox?

It is a brave and honorable step to decide to seek treatment for your addiction. Cigna knows that when drugs our leaving the body, it can be a grave danger to both the mental and physical health of their struggling members. That is why, together, SoCal Sunrise and Cigna agree that a medically-supervised detoxification from the substances our clients are addicted to is the initial (and perhaps one of the most crucial) steps to recovery that must not be overlooked.

With trained and licensed medical staff on-hand, around-the-clock client supervision, and therapeutic support, a safe and successful drug detoxification process at SoCal Sunrise is made possible. In order to alleviate uncomfortable (and sometimes serious) detox symptoms such as tremors, nausea, anxiety, diarrhea, dizziness, stomach pain, increased heartbeat, or headache, clients are individually assessed by our medical and therapeutic staff and are provided with the specific means necessary to detox safely – both mentally and physically. Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center is dedicated to providing the safest detox in the most supportive environment possible. This, in turn, makes for a smoother transition to a permanent lifestyle change. This constant care in the initial stages of treatment is essential to our clients’ safety in the earliest days of their sobriety.

What is Residential Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation?

In the majority of client cases, it is a wise decision to continue supervised care after the initial treatment phase of detox. That is why many clients decide to continue their monitoring after detox by entering the residential phase: the next step-down in the typical addiction treatment model that also consists of around-the-clock supervision in addition to continued psychological and physical care. In order to have the best chances of achieving lasting and progressive recovery, it is important for individuals to have a safe and supportive environment to foster their newest lifestyle changes and establish new ways of living.

Are you or a family member currently battling an addiction? Do you have a Cigna health insurance plan? Call Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center today to verify your insurance benefits and make way for a new chapter of life!

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