Mental Health Treatment with Magellan Insurance

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center is now In-Network with Magellan Healthcare Insurance. If you or a loved one suffers from a mental health disorder, SoCal Sunrise Recovery Center could be the place for you. Contact us today to verify your insurance and discover treatments you are eligible for.

Magellan Insurance

Mental Health Treatment with Magellan Insurance

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center is now In-Network with Magellan Healthcare Insurance. If you or a loved one suffers from a mental health disorder, SoCal Sunrise Recovery Center could be the place for you. Contact us today to verify your insurance and discover treatments you are eligible for.

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In-Network with Magellan Insurance

Researching what your insurance covers can often be a confusing process. With the number of different insurance companies and policies, it can be challenging to comprehend what treatments you are eligible for.

Fortunately, we got you covered. With over 40 years in business, Magellan Health Insurance is dedicated to providing behavioral health and mental health services for patients. At Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center, we are In-Network with Magellan Insurance, and our representatives are ready to help you understand your coverage today.

Options for Mental Health Care

Magellan’s number one priority is to provide treatment at the most appropriate, least restrictive level of care necessary to provide safe and effective treatment for the patient. Magellan uses the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to determine medical necessity for each patient. To address co-morbid disorders, Magellan also makes sure to address them both and pinpoint the primary problem.  By working with Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center, Magellan is able to cover multiple mental health disorders. 

Some disorders covered by Magellan include:

Does Magellan Insurance Cover Mental Health Treatment?

Magellan Healthcare offers a broad array of mental health and clinical management services that combine the best traditional approaches to treat an individual’s disorder. They are committed to providing the best care management and help individuals make smart decisions about their health to live a healthier life. Magellan provides these levels of care and services but may be limited depending on each account’s health plan.

The levels of care include:

As stated previously, these levels of care are subject to the individual’s healthcare plan with Magellan. To learn more about the behavioral and mental health service covered by Magellan Healthcare, click here to view their 2020-2021 Magellan Care Guidelines.

Understanding Your Magellan Benefits

Being able to comprehend your insurance coverage for your mental health disorder can be confusing sometimes. The good news is Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center and Magnella are here to help you. By reviewing your Magnella Healthcare Plan will be able to clearly communicate what treatments and programs you are eligible for.

Contact Us Today

Don’t let you or your loved ones mental health disorder continue to control their lives. Our Psychiatric Facility in Orange County is ready to help you achieve a healthier life today. Give us a call, and our admission specialist will gladly answer any questions you may have about our process.

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